Spooky Halloween Recipes

Halloween is here! Spooky costumes and tasty treats are just a few of our favorite things on Halloween night. From the sugary treats to the endless amount of candy, Halloween can be a tricky time for those who just received orthodontic treatment. The hard candy is too hard, the sticky candy is too sticky for your braces and teeth, and the crunchy type of candy can damage your braces. 

Here are a few fun recipes’ that will be tasty and delicious on Halloween. Remember to always stick to your routine, brushing and flossing your teeth. 

Halloween Parfait: 

What You Need:

  • 3 boxes instant vanilla pudding
  • 1 teaspoon red food coloring 
  • 1/2 teaspoon yellow food coloring one 9-ounce package plain chocolate wafers 
  • 6 cups milk chocolate syrup to taste 
  • One 8-ounce can mandarin oranges, drained


Combine pudding mix and milk in a large bowl as directed on the package. Refrigerate until firm. Crush chocolate wafers into crumbs, using a food processor, or put the wafers into a plastic food storage bag and crush with a rolling pin.

Combine red and yellow food coloring in a small bowl. Stir into pudding thoroughly, until pudding is orange. Alternate layers of pudding with layers of chocolate crumbs in a parfait cup or glass for a total of three layers of pudding. Top each layer of crumbs with chocolate syrup to taste before adding the next pudding layer. Top each parfait with mandarin oranges and additional chocolate wafer crumbs.

Makes eight 8-ounce servings.

Graveyard Shakes: 

What You Need: 

  • 1 ¼ cup milk 
  • 1 tablespoon chocolate syrup 
  • 1 large scoop chocolate ice cream 
  • 1 large scoop vanilla ice cream 
  • 2 Oreo cookies, finely crushed 
  • 1 soft ghost-shaped marshmallow


  • Combine milk, chocolate syrup and both scoops of ice cream in a blender. 
  • Mix well and pour into clear glass. 
  • Sprinkle a layer of the finely crushed cookies onto the top of the shake. 
  • Then, set the ghost-shaped marshmallow in the shake to make it appear as though it’s rising out of the top. Serve immediately. 
  • Makes one serving.


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