Dentist vs Orthodontics

If you are beginning to research how to “get straight teeth” or “do I need braces,” a question you may be wondering is, "can my dentist give me braces?" The answer is a big NO! There are major differences between an orthodontist and a dentist. From what a dentist does to what an orthodontist can do. As Orthodontists we utilize the latest technological advances in the profession to achieve unsurpassed results for our patients. Dentists are mainly concerned with your overall dental health. Dentists treat decayed teeth and remove failed teeth. Dentists look for abnormalities in the mouth and teach patients how to prevent dental disease. Orthodontists are specialists in training teeth and aligning jaws. Another difference between both dentist and orthodontist, is orthodontist become specialists by completing four years of general dental education in dental school, and then continuing in an accredited program where they study their specific specialty full-time for two or ...