
Showing posts from April, 2018

Adjusting to Braces

Are you a new patient at Burch Orthodontics? You may or may not be excited about wearing your braces, but regardless we know you will be thrilled with the result of your new smile.  As with any change, adjusting to something new can be a little confusing and overwhelming sometimes, so we decided to help you out with a few tips on adjusting to your braces.  Tip #1: Give yourself some time. Your braces may not be what you expected or wanted, but after a while when your teeth start shifting you will notice how incredible your teeth and smile alignment look. Pain may occur after your appointments, just give it a few days after each adjustment and you should feel more comfortable.  Tip #2: Another thing to remember is to be confident. Don't worry about how your braces look and don't be afraid or embarrassed to smile with your braces. Depending on the type of braces you're treated with, people may not even know you're wearing braces. Be proud and fl...

Braces and Cavities

If you’re a patient at Burch Orthodontics, you are used to visiting us for your regular adjustment appointment every 6-8 weeks. While our hygienist is in your mouth making those adjustments, it’s important for you to remember our team is working on your braces and trips to your general dentist are still very much needed. When we work on your braces, we are not looking specifically for any cavities and anything we do notice is a by-product of monitoring your oral health from an orthodontic perspective. Even if we did find something suspicious we don’t have the facilities to correct it. For this reason, we tell you to maintain your regular dental checkup schedule of once every 6 months.  Another important thing to remember is that your oral hygiene needs to be flawless.   The appliances that are in your mouth are, unfortunately, a magnet for plaque buildup.  If you are a bit lax with brushing and rinsing out your mouth after eating, you may jus...